“hitaahitam sukham dukhmaayustasya hitaahitam
maanam cha tachh yatroktamaayurvedah sa uchayate”
Ayurveda is combination of two words: Ayush which means life and veda which means knowledge, Hence Ayurveda means ‘Knowledge of Life’. Simply stated, it embodies the art of living life. It provides comprehensive knowledge which should enable one to lead a simple, productive and healthy life. Ayurveda is the science that imparts not just the physical, but also the psychological and spiritual well-being of human as well as other living beings. Ayurveda in Charak Samhita, Maharishi Charak said, “The science, that teaches, us what is good or bad, what causes joy or sorrow, what is the duration and characteristics of life, is Ayurveda. It is evident, that Ayurveda is beneficial not to any specific group of individuals, religion or country, but has Universal significance. Just as life is real, so are the ayurvedic principles and rules.
There are eight general categories of topics in ayurveda.
Kaay Chikitsa: Healing bodily diseases through medication
Shalya Chikitsa(Surgery): Treatment by surgical intervention
Shaalakya Chikitsa: This deals with problems of head, neck, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat, etc.
Agad, Tantra (Toxicology): Deals with ailments caused by toxins
Bhoot Vidya (Psychiatry): includes treatment of mental disorders and problem related with planetary positions.
Baal Tantra (Paediatrics): Deals with illnesses of infants and children
Raasayan Tantra (Rejuvenation Therapy): This branch of Ayurveda deals with maintaining good health and minimizing the effects of old age infirmities
Vaajikaran Tantra (Science of aphrodisiac): Detailed treatment of low sperm count and similar problems.
Causes of Sickness
“dhee dhriti smriti veebhrashtah karmayat kurute ashubham pragyaparaadham tam vidyat sarvadosh prakopnam”
When a person performs inauspicious deeds on destruction of dhee (brain), dhriti (patience), and smriti (memorizing power), then all the physical and mental defects become irate. These inauspicious deeds are called intellectual offences. One who commits intellectual offences his body and health will suffer and he will be disease struck.
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